Day 5 of @UN #armstreaty talks summed up in Tweets

July 15 2011, 1:50 PM  by Øistein Thorsen

Thanks to all the #armstreaty tweeters for making this work all week!

 @annamac33 #armstreaty Chair is using extended food analogy. I’d say the the starter wasn’t bad but we need a really top main course now!

@ollysprague EU final statement urges comprehensive approach to scope in #armstreaty, including ammo and brokering but questions Licensed production!

@ollysprague Italy breaks ranks and says hunting and sporting weapons should not be in #armstreaty. Did i mis-hear that?

@dbasuray77 Germany supports strong scope, SALW, ammunition and munitions for #armstreaty Bravo!

@dbasuray77 #Cuba believes that mandatory reporting in #armstreaty equals weakening of national security

@ollysprague France says victim assistance should only be in the pre-amble of the #armstreaty. This appears to be the EU position as well

@annamac33 US agrees with UK, France & EU. Still says no to ammunition #armstreaty and calls for focus on areas where there are consensus

@lukeroughton Belgium: #armstreaty needs reference to child soldiers and child abuse in preamble

@UKUN_NewYork UK final statement welcomes significant accomplishment to date as solid foundation for negotiating phase of #armstreaty

 @dbasuray77 according to Malaysia, corruption, human rights and IHL are not linked at all to security and trade , so should be kept out of #armstreaty

@Priyashoshana Where is the reference to the cooperation of NGOs in the text? asks the Netherlands #armstreaty

@LeMoJuste Russia: #armstreaty consensus “very, very unlikely” as no single understanding of goals. Reiterates focus on diversion to illicit trade.

@dbasuray77 wonderful, comprehensive, compelling, and visionary statement by Costa Rica on Development and the #armstreaty

@disarmdialogues #CostaRica- simplicity should not come at the expense of quality in #armstreaty – fulfill reporting responsibilities

@disarmdialogues #Switzerland- must include #ammunition in #armstreaty- without it, undermine its effectiveness

@dbasuray77 Switzerland recognises impact of SALW on armed violence, and that guns without ammo are useless. #armstreaty

@TIdefenceteam #Switzerland welcomes an #armstreaty addressing #corruption, happy to work towards stronger anti-corruption language.

@dbasuray77 #Switzerland has a higher rate of gun possession than #Canada, and yet maintains massively positive policy positions in #armstreaty dialogue

@disarmdialogues #Colombia- must include #explosives as well- must include as wide a scope as possible in #armstreaty- should not allow for subjectivity

@LeMoJuste Colombia: “substantial risk” concept too unclear; must be refined. #armstreaty

@ollysprague Cuba says munitions, ammunition, other bombs and military explosives are vital for #armstreaty. Seems nonsence to exclude any of these?

@disarmdialogues #SaintLucia- adopting an #armstreaty will set important international norm for poorly regulated arms trade!

@annamac33 Cracking statement from Australia #armstreaty Go Aussies!

@disarmdialogues #Ireland says must include all #munitions, not just #ammunition in #armstreaty; also don’t believe reservations are appropriate

@TIdefenceteam ATT PrepCom almost over. Delighted by number of ‘old’ & ‘new’ States pointing out that #corruption needs to be addressed in an #armstreaty

@ollysprague Ireland rightly warns about creating any reservations or limitations in #armstreaty as creates loopholes, especially in weapons covered

@disarmdialogues #Algeria- points out that #humanrights is mentioned 6 times in the chair’s paper for #armstreaty- believes should only be in preamble

@disarmdialogues #Singapore- worried about subjective criteria for #armstreaty – want to focus just on illicit trade in conventional arms

@ICIpeace Spain: we totally agree with the EU position expressed here. We are much better now than before this conference #armstreaty

@Disarmdialogues #Grenada wants to include #gender-based violence reference in #armstreaty

@Ollysprague Greneda like others in Caribbean region want stronger criterial on Armed Violence and Gender based violence in the #armstreaty

@LeMoJuste Granada: #armstreaty must be created through cooperation with civil society – NGO language should be reinstated

@disarmdialogues #Jamaica wants to retain reference to notification of #arms transfers denials in #armstreaty- says too early to compromise on this

@disarmdialogues #Iran asks, “What is responsible trade in #arms and what is not?” Different interpretations for an #armstreaty

@Ollysprague Iran says current Chair’s paper is not the basis of #armstreaty. What have we all spent last five years talking about then?

@comemundo Great stand from Caribbean Countries RT @DisarmDialogues #Grenada wants to include #gender-based violence in #armstreaty

@LeMoJuste Nigeria: The time for an ATT is now. #armstreaty

@disarmdialogues #CotedIvoire wants stronger statement on regional instruments in #armstreaty- reference to grave suffering/deaths in CI

@disarmdialogues #Israel- reiterates that victims’ assistance is not appropriate- #armstreaty is for legitimate trade in arms only

@disarmdialogues #Israel does not believe the #armstreaty should provide victim assistance & should focus on legitimate trade of intl arms

@disarmdialogues #Fiji wants stronger language in opening section of Chair’s paper for #armstreaty- “determined” to prevent illicit trade

@disarmdialogues #Fiji wants reference to #gender equality in #armstreaty! Good for them.

@LeMoJuste Fiji makes strong statement about women’s rights & gender violence, human impact of arms trade. Want strong, emphatic preamble. #armstreaty

@disarmdialogues #Brazil drawing analogy between #armstreaty and cooking- very poetic!

@disarmdialogues #Syria does not see Chair’s draft as negotiating text…yet call for robust implementation? #armstreaty

@comemundo #FF Great diplomat @FedericoPerazza- an admirable professional and great ally working for an #armstreaty! #Uruguay

@LeMoJuste Syria: Still opposed to inclusion of ammunition and technology in #armstreaty. Sees as interference w security & development.

@disarmdialogues #Guyana believes international cooperation and assistance measures will promote implementation of #armstreaty #disparitybetweenstates

@disarmdialogues #TrinidadandTobago wants #armstreaty to be distinguished from voluntary measures such as UN Register on Small Arms

@disarmdialogues #Vietnam believes intl cooperation&assistance are vital for developing countries to implement an #armstreaty (would like stronger language)

@LeMoJuste Vietnam: Inclusion of technology transfer in #armstreaty may hinder legitimate international cooperation.

@DisarmDialogues #Barbados asks about criteria for import & transit states, not just export states #armstreaty #day5

@disarmdialogues #Tanzania says it’s time for an #armstreaty that was needed yesterday

@disarmdialogues #INTERPOL comments on intl cooperation&technical assistance: there are already existing networks and tools that can be adapted #armstreaty

@disarmdialogues #ICRC wants reference to #armedviolence in the preamble of an #armstreaty

@LeMoJuste ICRC: Lists of conventional weapons have limitations; Make it clear list is not exhaustive, #armstreaty applies to all conventional weapons

@disarmdialogues #Thailand- should make links between #armstreaty and other #disarmament instruments like #PoA

@disarmdialogues #Algeria suggests another document prepared by ODA which would list various options expressed by member states. #armstreaty

@ControlArms”Global Arms Trade Treaty Picks Up Speed”, Says @ControlArms coalition as @UN talks wrap up #armstreaty

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